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Conference Prévention cancer de la peau

Nom du responsable du projet : M. Ryan

Dans le cadre de notre Comité d’éducation à la santé et à la Citoyenneté et sur l’initiative de M. RYAN et de Mme SUKRIEH, s’est tenu  le 11 janvier à destination de tous nos élèves de 4ème et de 3ème, une conférence en anglais sur la prévention du cancer de la peau : « Mole Talk ». Le sujet de la conférence est en lien avec les programmes d’anglais des 4ème sur le thème de la santé et ceux de SVT en 3ème.

«Mole Talk » est à propos du cancer de la peau et tous les premiers signes de ce cancer. L’infirmière qui a fait la présentation a parlé des différentes façons de reconnaitre des grains de beautés cancérigènes pour obtenir la détection la plus rapide de cette maladie et les façons d’arrêter le développement de cellules cancérigènes. Les élèves ont été invités à compléter un questionnaire sur ce type de cancer particulièrement fréquent aux Émirats et dans les pays du Golfe puisque lié à l’exposition au soleil et sur sa prévention.

La conférence était animée par des représentants de la Fondation « The Friends of Cancer Patients» que nous connaissons bien au LFIGP bien grâce aux opérations Mufti day des 4ème euros de 2012 et 2013. Cliquez ici pour retrouver cette opération.

Site de l’association 

friend of patients cancer

« The Friends of Cancer Patients (FoCP) is a UAE based society providing its services across the United Arab Emirates to all residents of the country. FoCP was established in late 1999 in accordance with the directives and under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, Wife of the Ruler of Sharjah, Founder and Royal Patron of the Friends of Cancer Patients Society (FoCP), International Ambassador of the World Cancer Declaration for Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and International Ambassador for Childhood Cancer for UICC.
Being the leading cancer specific charity operating in the UAE, FoCP, an NGO and registered charity, has since its inception continuously delivered moral, financial, and clinical support to over 990 patients and their families, regardless of their nationality, gender, age, religion, or ethnicity.
The primary focus is on promoting awareness around early detectable cancers within the UAE community. FoCP has also initiated numerous leading cancer focused awareness programmes targeting the community, which have become recognised locally, regionally, and internationally.
FoCP is committed to helping cancer patients and their families get through the long and arduous journey of cancer treatment. Their motto is « We’re with you ».
FoCP provides a broad spectrum of support including, covering treatment expenses for chemotherapy, radiation and other needed medications, in addition to expenses for investigative and surgical procedures. They also provide transportation and food allowances for underprivileged cancer patients, facilitate in sending patients abroad for treatment, provide prosthetic limbs, medical equipment, psychological and moral support for patients and their families.
FoCP’s volunteer team consists of businessmen and women, doctors, nurses, students, and the families of patients from various nationalities who have undertaken the responsibility of helping and supporting cancer patients. FoCP is constantly raising the bar and setting new targets to expand on its achievements to date and empower the community to change the cultural and social stigma associated with cancer.
FoCP is a member and affiliate of a number of different organisations including, the Kuwait-based Gulf Federation for Cancer Control, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) based in Geneva Switzerland, and the US-Middle East Partnership for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research which is supported by the US Department of State’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).
FoCP has garnered widespread recognition and awards from numerous leading institutions, locally, regionally, and internationally for FoCP leading role in helping cancer patients and creating awareness about the disease”