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Chevron Readers Cup Reading competition

Présentation générale : Compétition de lecture dans le cadre du 'Emirates airlines festival of literature'

Informations complémentaires : Les élèves doivent lire 4 livres dont les auteurs seront présents au Festival et auront un quizz sur leur lecture

Nom du responsable du projet : Loreine Harb

 75 écoles et 190 teams ont participé à cette compétition! Félicitations à nos élèves : leur performance est exemplaire puique nous ne sommes pas  une école anglophone… Un grand merci également à leur maitresse Loreine qui les a mené dans ce beaux projet!

La Responsable de la compétition lecture, Yvette Judge, a tenu à les féliciter personnellement par un courrier à leur professeur le 3 février :

Dear Loreine,

 I just want to say that the LGP teams did really well even though they didn’t make the final; as they are not in a school where English is used as the teaching language, please pass on my congratulations to the children and staff for a brilliant effort.

 I hope they enjoyed it and will participate again!

 Best wishes


On the 27th of January, eight of our CM1/CM2 students will enter the Chevron Readers Cup; this competition involves teams of students currently studying four books written by authors attending The Emirates Airline Festival of Literature.

This festival is the Middle East’s largest celebration of the written and spoken word. It brings people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds together with authors from around the world to promote education, debate and a love of reading and writing, in a celebratory and enjoyable way.

The first heat will be held in Repton School on Monday, January 27, 2014 and will consist of a written quiz on the four books. The eight teams with the highest scores will go head to head in the finals on March 6, 2014.

All winners will be honoured at the Festival. The overall winning teams in each age group will receive a trophy for their school.

We wish our students the best of luck, hoping they will enjoy this enriching experience!

More information : https://www.emirateslitfest.com/readers_cup