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Information Corona Virus

Par le présent, nous tenons à absolument rassurer les parents d’élèves, notamment ceux de 5ème qui seront en voyage à Al Ain la semaine prochaine, en réponse aux rumeurs de toutes sortes sur la propagation du virus corona aux Emirats Arabes Unis.

Les autorités sanitaires de Dubaï (DHA) que nous avons contactées, nous ont assurés que l’infection est hyper localisée (en milieu hospitalier), sous contrôle et que toutes les précautions sont prises.

La situation présente n’est pas un problème de santé publique. Le 12 avril, les autorités sanitaires d’Abu Dhabi demandaient aux résidents de pratiquer normalement leurs activités quotidiennes et d’éviter de diffuser des informations aux sources non fiables.

Le service médical du LFIGP est en veille active auprès du DHA pour suivre la situation.  Nous ne manquerons pas de vous informer et de prendre toutes les dispositions nécessaires, en cas d’évolution.

Message également de consulter le site du Consulat général de France : cliquez ici

 Merci de votre confiance.

 Le Proviseur

Le Proviseur-Adjoint


PS: Pour de plus amples informations, http://www.haad.ae/haad/ et  article paru le 17 avril, sur EMIRATES NEWS.


Mers Coronavirus cases not a public health concern: UAE

3 new Mers cases in UAE; Health authority calls for calm By Wam

Published Thursday, April 17, 2014  – EMIRATES NEWS 24/7

The UAE Ministry of Health (MoH) and Health Authority Abu Dhabi (Haad) have reassured citizens and residents that the few positive Mers Coronavirus contacts of the severe case last week are all well and are expected to be free of the virus within 10-14 days with no treatment.

They are in hospital isolation and as such are not causing any risk to the public or other patients.

Individuals are requested to avoid rumours and refer to official reliable sources for information. MoH and Haad confirm that the current situation is not a public health concern, and people should go about their normal daily activities. MoH and Haad are dealing with the situation with full transparency.


Health Authority Abu Dhabi (Haad) on Tuesday announced three new cases of Mers Coronavirus (Mers Cov).

The new cases were identified through screenings for contacts of affected individuals and that they are all asymptomatic, that is, have no symptoms and are well.

Earlier Story: ‘Abu Dhabi schools free of Mers virus’

From previous asymptomatic cases in the UAE, individuals tend to clear the virus themselves within 10-14 days, but are kept in isolation in hospital during this time.

Haad confirmed that the current situation is not a public health concern and that it is coordinating with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and other authorities in the country, and has taken all necessary measures as per international standards and recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Stay clean and safe

Haad advises the public to follow these tips to help prevent respiratory illnesses:

Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, and help young children do the same. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitiser.

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze then throw the tissue in the trash.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Avoid close contact with people with fever or flu-like illnesses.

Haad stressed the need to follow information released about the illness by the Ministry of Health and Health Authorities. Cases of Mers Cov have been reported by the WHO from 2012.

The MoH stated that the WHO confirmed the virus is not a concern for public health at the moment, and that the current situation does not require a travel ban to any country in the world, screenings at different ports, or any restrictions on trade.

The MoH confirmed that it is monitoring the situation closely to ensure the health and safety of everyone. The WHO is working closely with all government and health Authorities to understand the risks of this virus and the way it spreads between people.