Secondary school

Middle School

Pedagogy in Middle School
In middle school, lessons are organized around several subjects: French, mathematics, history-geography, civic education, life and earth sciences, technology, visual arts, physical education, and physics-chemistry. These programs are established according to the objectives set by the French National Education.

The four years of middle school (sixth, fifth, fourth, and third) are divided into three teaching cycles:

  • The Adaptation Cycle (6th Grade)
    Sixth grade facilitates the transition from elementary school to middle school while introducing students to new subjects and secondary school methods of work.
  • The Central Cycle (5th and 4th Grade)
    During this period, students deepen and expand their knowledge. In 5th grade, they begin learning physics-chemistry, and from this year, they can start learning Latin. In 4th grade, they discover a second foreign language, with the option to add German or Spanish in addition to English and Arabic. Furthermore, students participate in interdisciplinary projects (IDD) focusing on education for sustainable development (ESD).

At the end of 5th grade, students can choose to take an enhanced European section in English, subject to approval by an allocation commission.

  • The Orientation Cycle (3rd Grade)
    Students finalize their learning journey, develop their personal project, and prepare for entering high school. They also take the Diplôme National du Brevet, with the LFIGP serving as an examination center.

Students from Arab League countries must continue learning Arabic, either as a second language (LV2) or as a mandatory option. Other students can choose to continue or stop Arabic.

At the end of 3rd grade, students may join the European section in high school, with additional history-geography lessons in English.

High school

Pedagogy in High School
In high school, the general education path is divided into two cycles:

  • The Determination Cycle (10th Grade)
    Cette année permet aux élèves de réfléchir à leur orientation future, avant de choisir leurs 3 spécialités pour la Première.
  • The Terminal Cycle (11th and 12th Grade)
    This year allows students to reflect on their future orientation before choosing the three specialties they will follow in 11th grade.

The 12th grade year prepares students for the Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate and helps finalize their personal project for higher education.

High school implements projects to develop students’ autonomy and help them acquire new skills, particularly through Personalized Support (AP), Moral and Civic Education (EMC), and the Grand Oral.

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