Elementary school

The Elementary School at Academic City welcomes students aged 6 to 11, divided into two teaching cycles and five grade levels:

  • ● CP (Cours Préparatoire),
  • ● CE1 (Cours Élémentaire 1ère année),
  • ● CE2 (Cours Élémentaire 2ème année),
  • ● CM1 (Cours Moyen 1ère année)
  • ● CM2 (Cours Moyen 2ème année).

Under the kind leadership of Mr. Pascal Navarro, the elementary school brings together 800 students spread across 30 classes, providing a dynamic and inclusive educational environment. Located in a modern setting in Academic City, the school benefits from adapted facilities that promote a fulfilling and comprehensive learning experience.

The Role of Elementary School

Elementary school marks the beginning of compulsory education and plays a crucial role in the acquisition of basic knowledge:

  • ● Oral and written expression,

  • ● Reading,

  • ● Mathematics and problem-solving.

In addition to these fundamentals, the school aims to develop intelligence, artistic sensitivity, manual, physical, and sports abilities. It also provides teaching in historical, geographical, scientific, and technical culture, while raising students’ awareness of visual and musical arts.

Learning a foreign language and introducing linguistic diversity are also priorities. Finally, moral and civic education, in collaboration with families, instills essential values such as respect for children's rights, gender equality, and republican symbols.

The Teaching Cycles

The organization of the curriculum into teaching cycles allows for monitoring students' progress and addressing their specific needs:

  • ● Cycle 2: Cycle of Fundamental Learning (CP, CE1, CE2) – focused on mastering basic knowledge.

  • ● Cycle 3: Cycle of Consolidation (CM1, CM2, 6th grade) – ensuring continuity between elementary school and middle school

This structure ensures a smooth transition between the different stages of schooling, supporting each student in their progression.

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